Friday 28 June 2013

A Picture Of The Greenhouse Gasses.

Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the worlds climate. Climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, which excrete pollution away in to the world and some of the atmosphere. After pollution is excreted in to the atmosphere it doesn't stay as pollution it is turned into carbon dioxide (C02) which then also passes into the world and the atmosphere. When there is more of carbon dioxide (C02) in the atmosphere, animals with low tolerance to C02 (Carbon dioxide) will die. This results in lower C02 (Carbon dioxide) emissions from the natural world. Experiments have shown the more C02 levels increase the higher photosynthesis in plants.  

What Are The Effects Of Climate Change On The World?

The effects of climate change on the world are :

  • Droughts
  • Floods
  • Extreme Weather
  • Diseases Spread
  • Sea levels rising
  • Ice caps melting
  • Less water usage
  • Warmer oceans
  • Forest Fires
  • Change in plant life cycles
  • More endangered animals
  • Changed weather patterns
  • Higher Heat temperatures with more heat waves
  • Changes in Animal migration and life cycles
  • Poverty
What Is The Cause Of Climate Change On The World?

The Causes Of Climate Change Are:

Picture Of The Causes And Effects On Global Warming.
  • The amount of energy the sun emits changes.
  • The Earth's orbits Faster or slower changes the climate.
  • If the earth moves 1 degree closer or further from the sun it could cause he climate to change.
  • Loads of greenhouse gasses
  • Carbon dioxide emissions
  • Loads of greenhouse Effect
  • pollution
  • Burning fossil fuels

How Could We Stop Climate Change?

We could stop Climate change by

  • Reduce Things,
  • Reuse Things,
  • Recycle Things,
  • Burning Less Fossil Fuels,
  • Cycle Or Walk To Places,
  • Use Less Transport (e.g: Cars, Underground Trains, OverGround Trains,and Buses,