Friday 5 July 2013

think about the future

These changes will impact our food supply, water resources, infrastructure, , and even our own health .

Thursday 4 July 2013

What is paper wastage?

Paper wastage is when you waste paper. This also has an impact on global warming, paper wastage manly happen in places such as, work, school and factories where there is allot of paper used. You may think its only such and such pieces of paper, but those also go to our landfill where paper will dissolve in centuries. Did you know that we as a country are low on landfill spaces, if you didn't know you learnt today. The more paper everyone wastes, the more chances we will be setting fire to our planet. Even the paper they use they don't throw it in to the recycling bin, when wasting paper at least try to throw the paper into a nearby recycling bin.

A normal bin full of paper.
This is what we mean by paper wastage.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

what is food wastage?

Food wastage is when you waste food. The amount of food you waste also effects global warming in some way, by filling up landfill space with food dose not make anyone happy, especially the ones who cant get food. Did you know places like Africa and Asia have allot of deaths, and this usually happens from starvation. You my think throwing half of an apple into a bin is okay, because it isn't as big as a piece of roasted chicken, well for me it is the same thing they will be going to the landfills anyway. Me as a team isn't telling you too give all your leftovers to Africa and Asia, maybe just donate some money so they could buy their own food. Did you know if you sent £50 pounds to Africa or Asia, you would have given them enough money to eat for a month.

what is water wastage?

Water wastage is when you waste water. For example filling a cup with water, drinking half of it and spilling the rest down the sink. Have you ever wandered how many people in Africa and Asia walk to oceans just to collect water? How many miles they walk there and back? The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water from oceans is six kilometres, the weight of each bucket of water they carry on there heads are 20 kg- which is the same as an average airport luggage. Even today 1.1 billion people still do not have adequate access to clean and safe water and 2.4 billion people are with out appropriate sanitation. You might think the water you don't drink someone else drinks but no one does, that water comes back to you again, but you waste it over and over again.

In which ways do fossil fuels effect the environment?

Fossil fuels are one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters beside the world, contributing to 3/4 of all carbon, methane and other greenhouse gasses. When we burn coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels at a extremely high temperature this means electricity is made, but then continues on to heavy concentrated pollutants in the atmosphere and to the water we drink.Climate change is partly caused by burning fossil fuels which then effects the world in a uncleanness way even touching the water we have on our planet.

On the right side of this picture you see clean water which is what we have now. But if we still don't try stopping climate change our water has the highest possibility of changing to the water on the left hand side.

Non-Fossil Fuel Sources

Non fossil fuel sources were estimated in 2006, which gave hem he results of...Hydroelectric 6.3%, nuclear 8.5%, and others such as geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, waste amounting to 0.9%. With the estimation the world energy consummation was growing 2.3% per year.

Solar Power

Hydroelectric Power

Fossil Fuel Sources

How Much Fossil Fuels Are Burnt In  Day?

About 800,000 tones of fossil fuels are burnt each day.There was an estimation in 2007 where 36.0% petroleum, 27.4% coal, 23.0% natural gas everyday which amounts to an estimation of 86.4% was consummated in the world. Nowadays 23% natural gas, 23% coal, 8% nuclear power, 6% renewable energy and 40% petroleum. As you can see nowadays we only use 6% of renewable energy, which is the least of what we use.


co2 emissions

What is co2 emissions?

When we Burn fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphereAnd this would have an huge impact on our earth.

A map of the amount of Approximate c02 emissions waste from each country.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

take a responsability

Loads buildings which use pollution.
Knowing that everyone could die, because of the causes of global warming on the world, no one isn't doing anything. Maybe even trying to use less energy, or less transport could help avoiding global warming to take our world from us.

respect the world

By respecting the world you would have to put in all of your effort to make the best out of the it, and at the moment not many people are doing this. If everyone continues like that then the world will become like an enemy to human and animals. At least trying to do something to the planet will help, but we need to work together as a team and SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS!!! Before anything gets worse, avoid it and do what is asked.

The world is in the humans hands so make the best out of it.
The earth will become humans and animals

how happy would Carl be if we all tried stopping global warming?

Can you imagine these three polar bears dead?
Well don't guess let me tell you Carl would be great full to hear that people are helping to stop what global warming, is doing to our environment especially to his home where he lives. Where everyday he goes to find food and comes at the end of each day to see his house getting narrower and sinking into the ground. Well this happens because of  global warming giving the cause of sea levels rising which means ice will be melting. Polar bears like Carl live in cold places with ice, where humans cant live, so if global warming isn't stopped. Carl his family, generation and friends even other polar bears will die.Do not forget we are not under a risk where just polar bears are going to die, all different types of animals have the risk of deadness too.


Stopping climate change will help the environment and earth, fixing the earth will also help animals extinction decrease.Not as much floods will take place and weather will go in the right way, temperatures wont get as high as it is when YOU DON'T STOP GLOBAL WARMING AND LIFE GETS HARDER. Oe way trying to help stop global warming is to reduce reuse recycle.

take an action

effects of global warming, such as rising sea levels, unpredictable climate changes, increased   floods and droughts, stronger and deadlier hurricanes, less availability of freshwater, outbreak of diseases such as malaria many  wonder about the ways to prevent global warming. Well , many steps are being taken to stop this environmental issue, still as individuals, we too can do our bit to save our planet from these impending dangers. 


how could climate change effect childrens health?

Climate change could effect children's health by spreading diseases that other countries such as Africa have because it is to hot there. Some diseases are bee brought by animals which the animal gives the disease and could move to other habitats.

who does climate change/global warming effect?

Who does climate change/global warming effect?

Climate change effects the world, and the things that control it which is us, humans. climate change effects humans but not just humans animals as well, especially the ones who cant live with high c02 emissions in the atmosphere. As climate change rises the more animal extinction there will be,the environment will become dirtier each time. Another thing global warming could effect is children.

what is global warming?

What is global warming?

refer to captionGlobal warming is a increase in the earths air, guessed to be affected by the greenhouse effect. Global warming and climate change has the same impacts on the earths atmosphere and itself.

Carl's point of view on Global warming


                                      Carl's Point of view

Carl is a polar bear, his home is the icy plains of the Arctic.
Unfortunately due to Climate change and Global warming his home is quickly melting and floating away. Imagine you went out to get food, and then you came home with part of your house gone well, that's what happens to Carl everyday he goes out in search of food and his home disappears quickly. Soon he will have no home left, so you need to help to stop climate change and global warming so, please help Carl!

Please reflect on this and see what you feel.
Thank you.

how could we stop climate change?

How Could We Stop Climate Change?

We could stop Climate change by

  • Reduce Things,
  • Reuse Things,
  • Recycle Things,
  • Burning Less Fossil Fuels,
  • Cycle Or Walk To Places,
  • Use Less Transport (e.g: Cars, Underground Trains, OverGround Trains,and Buses,)

Friday 28 June 2013

A Picture Of The Greenhouse Gasses.

Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the worlds climate. Climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, which excrete pollution away in to the world and some of the atmosphere. After pollution is excreted in to the atmosphere it doesn't stay as pollution it is turned into carbon dioxide (C02) which then also passes into the world and the atmosphere. When there is more of carbon dioxide (C02) in the atmosphere, animals with low tolerance to C02 (Carbon dioxide) will die. This results in lower C02 (Carbon dioxide) emissions from the natural world. Experiments have shown the more C02 levels increase the higher photosynthesis in plants.  

What Are The Effects Of Climate Change On The World?

The effects of climate change on the world are :

  • Droughts
  • Floods
  • Extreme Weather
  • Diseases Spread
  • Sea levels rising
  • Ice caps melting
  • Less water usage
  • Warmer oceans
  • Forest Fires
  • Change in plant life cycles
  • More endangered animals
  • Changed weather patterns
  • Higher Heat temperatures with more heat waves
  • Changes in Animal migration and life cycles
  • Poverty
What Is The Cause Of Climate Change On The World?

The Causes Of Climate Change Are:

Picture Of The Causes And Effects On Global Warming.
  • The amount of energy the sun emits changes.
  • The Earth's orbits Faster or slower changes the climate.
  • If the earth moves 1 degree closer or further from the sun it could cause he climate to change.
  • Loads of greenhouse gasses
  • Carbon dioxide emissions
  • Loads of greenhouse Effect
  • pollution
  • Burning fossil fuels

How Could We Stop Climate Change?

We could stop Climate change by

  • Reduce Things,
  • Reuse Things,
  • Recycle Things,
  • Burning Less Fossil Fuels,
  • Cycle Or Walk To Places,
  • Use Less Transport (e.g: Cars, Underground Trains, OverGround Trains,and Buses,