Friday 5 July 2013

think about the future

These changes will impact our food supply, water resources, infrastructure, , and even our own health .

Thursday 4 July 2013

What is paper wastage?

Paper wastage is when you waste paper. This also has an impact on global warming, paper wastage manly happen in places such as, work, school and factories where there is allot of paper used. You may think its only such and such pieces of paper, but those also go to our landfill where paper will dissolve in centuries. Did you know that we as a country are low on landfill spaces, if you didn't know you learnt today. The more paper everyone wastes, the more chances we will be setting fire to our planet. Even the paper they use they don't throw it in to the recycling bin, when wasting paper at least try to throw the paper into a nearby recycling bin.

A normal bin full of paper.
This is what we mean by paper wastage.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

what is food wastage?

Food wastage is when you waste food. The amount of food you waste also effects global warming in some way, by filling up landfill space with food dose not make anyone happy, especially the ones who cant get food. Did you know places like Africa and Asia have allot of deaths, and this usually happens from starvation. You my think throwing half of an apple into a bin is okay, because it isn't as big as a piece of roasted chicken, well for me it is the same thing they will be going to the landfills anyway. Me as a team isn't telling you too give all your leftovers to Africa and Asia, maybe just donate some money so they could buy their own food. Did you know if you sent £50 pounds to Africa or Asia, you would have given them enough money to eat for a month.

what is water wastage?

Water wastage is when you waste water. For example filling a cup with water, drinking half of it and spilling the rest down the sink. Have you ever wandered how many people in Africa and Asia walk to oceans just to collect water? How many miles they walk there and back? The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water from oceans is six kilometres, the weight of each bucket of water they carry on there heads are 20 kg- which is the same as an average airport luggage. Even today 1.1 billion people still do not have adequate access to clean and safe water and 2.4 billion people are with out appropriate sanitation. You might think the water you don't drink someone else drinks but no one does, that water comes back to you again, but you waste it over and over again.

In which ways do fossil fuels effect the environment?

Fossil fuels are one of the largest greenhouse gas emitters beside the world, contributing to 3/4 of all carbon, methane and other greenhouse gasses. When we burn coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels at a extremely high temperature this means electricity is made, but then continues on to heavy concentrated pollutants in the atmosphere and to the water we drink.Climate change is partly caused by burning fossil fuels which then effects the world in a uncleanness way even touching the water we have on our planet.

On the right side of this picture you see clean water which is what we have now. But if we still don't try stopping climate change our water has the highest possibility of changing to the water on the left hand side.

Non-Fossil Fuel Sources

Non fossil fuel sources were estimated in 2006, which gave hem he results of...Hydroelectric 6.3%, nuclear 8.5%, and others such as geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, waste amounting to 0.9%. With the estimation the world energy consummation was growing 2.3% per year.

Solar Power

Hydroelectric Power

Fossil Fuel Sources

How Much Fossil Fuels Are Burnt In  Day?

About 800,000 tones of fossil fuels are burnt each day.There was an estimation in 2007 where 36.0% petroleum, 27.4% coal, 23.0% natural gas everyday which amounts to an estimation of 86.4% was consummated in the world. Nowadays 23% natural gas, 23% coal, 8% nuclear power, 6% renewable energy and 40% petroleum. As you can see nowadays we only use 6% of renewable energy, which is the least of what we use.